Get ready for an action packed, musical adventure with Niccolo Piccolo, also known as Nicola Mitchell, an award-winning folk/country artist bringing her passion for te ao Māori to tamariki through colorful songs and storytelling.
This FREE interactive show is designed to ignite curiosity and a love for te reo Māori and tikanga, with heaps of opportunities for tamariki to participate. Perfect for families and primary school-aged tamariki from 5-9 years old, Niccolo Piccolo creates a safe and playful space to learn and explore together.
The show is FREE to attend but registrations are essential.

Suitable: For ages 5 - 9, all welcome including siblings, caregivers of all ages.
Please note: Children and their property are the responsibility of accompanying adults, caregivers are to remain onsite at all times.
Where: Calvin Church, 25 Robertson St, Gore
When: Wednesday May 28th, 1pm - 2pm
Cost: FREE
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Numbers will be capped in order of registration.
More information: www.niccolopiccolo.com
Contact: Nicola